Where to start when you want to buy a Motorhome and you are an absolute Greenhorn? We already started in Tenerife to find out more about the market for used RVs (recreational vehicles) in Vancouver. Good sites with a lot of offers are Kijiji and Craigslist. It is a good way to find out more about the prices and so on. It was amazing, that the bigger Class A motorhomes usually have less kilometers than the Class C and are not more expensive.
As we want to live for several months in the Motorhome we found out that a Class A not only has more space to live. There are also much more storage compartments than a Class C would have.
Finally we decided to buy a Fleetwood Storm Class A Motorhome (year 2000) with only 58,000 km. It is 32 feet long.
See our album here: Motorhome Search.